
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Revolution Was Postponed Because...

of rain?  No, the revolution was postponed because it was outside of everybody's area of expertise.

None of the academics I've asked have ever thought about allowing taxpayers to directly allocate their taxes to the various government organizations.  But some respond that it's outside their area of expertise.

It's not like I'm asking literature professors.  Perhaps the economics professors feel it has more to do with politics and the political science professors feel it has more to do with economics.

Or maybe they don't feel like engaging a random person but are they are just too polite not to respond.

In any case, it would be one thing if they had considered the idea and dismissed it...but it's interesting that they had never thought of it before.

The idea occurred to me while studying International Development at UCLA.  IDS is a broad subject so I was able to take quite a few political science classes as well as economics classes.  Not sure if the idea would have occurred to me if I had been an economics or political science major.

The value of the idea didn't hit me right away.  But I'm a huge fan of hypothetical situations so it was fun to pose the question to my friends.  After asking a few people I realized that their concerns canceled each other out.  Nothing would be underfunded because the supply for public goods would meet demand.

So here's the problem.  On one hand, the average person has trouble appreciating pragmatarianism because they have no idea how the invisible hand works.  On the other hand, above average people, aka academics, have rather narrow areas of expertise.

If the average person can't grasp it, and the above average person won't consider it...then the idea seems kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Therefore, the revolution was postponed because it was outside of everybody's area of expertise.

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