
Monday, April 9, 2012

Divide and Conquer the Government

My response to....A Better System Than Pragmatarianism


Everything boils down to people putting their own money where their mouths are.  All things being equal...the problem with our current system is that voters do not have to put their own money where their mouths are.  Therefore, to solve that problem we should simply give taxpayers the freedom to put their own taxes where their mouths are.

With that in's completely counterintuitive to pay congress in order to solve the problem of congress.  If there's a problem with an organization then you boycott it (Dude, Where's my Ethical Consumerism?) and encourage others to do the same.  The organization either changes or it goes out of business.

Clearly you're not going to be able to encourage every single taxpayer to boycott the government.  But believe you me...every single taxpayer would be more than happy to boycott one or more government organizations.  Liberals would be more than happy to boycott the military and conservatives would be more than happy to boycott everything but the military.

In a pragmatarian system...taxpayers would have the freedom to opt out of funding every single government organization...except for one.  Once taxpayers have the freedom to opt out of funding specific government organizations...then that's all you really need.  That was your biggest obstacle.  At that point you simply need to go down the list and encourage taxpayers to boycott each and every government organization one by one out of existence.

When faced with an insurmountable's extremely helpful to break the insurmountable obstacle down into several smaller more manageable obstacles.  That's the beauty of allows us to divide and conquer the government.

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